Note From Samy

Hey Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read and explore my blog! Check out my devotionals, Thanksgiving posts, and journaling bible. You can feed my fish or even translate to another language down at the bottom. If you enjoy my blog posts, please subscribe to get an email notification for every time I post. Thank you! Love, Samy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Banner

Be Thankful Banner
Hello friends! Today I made some more printable! Yay! Here is a Thanksgiving banner that says "Be Thankful". Here is the link:
Here is a picture preview:
 Once you print the banner, cut along the black sides. The blank space is for between the "be" and "thankful." I suggest printing, coloring, or pasting some leaves or pumpkins on there for a little extra "oooohh" and "aaahh!" Hope you like it!

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