Note From Samy

Hey Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read and explore my blog! Check out my devotionals, Thanksgiving posts, and journaling bible. You can feed my fish or even translate to another language down at the bottom. If you enjoy my blog posts, please subscribe to get an email notification for every time I post. Thank you! Love, Samy

Monday, September 28, 2015


Christian Song of the Day
Hey everyone! I have been thinking about doing some reviews on websites, shops, and all kinds of products. Please continue to read my posts and expect new improvements and features. Today's Christian Song of the Day is Love Take Me Over by Steven Curtis Chapman. This song is an upbeat song about surrendering yourself to God's love. In my devotional on love I talked about two types of love. The first one was God's perfect, gracious, unconditional love for us, and the second was about God commanding us to love Him and others. This song is a reminder to let love control your thoughts, actions, and words to others. Love is a powerful thing! I hope and pray that this song will change how you treat others throughout your day. 

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