Monday, September 14, 2015


Christian Song of the Day
Hey Everyone! Today's Christian Song of the Day is one of my favorites! It stays in my mind throughout the whole day! The song is called Waterfall by Chris Tomlin, one of my favorite artists. This song is also apart of one of my favorite albums, Love Ran Red. I went to go see him in concert at Night of Joy in Disney World Magic Kingdom about 4 years ago. I still remember when he debuted his new remake song Amazing Grace. It was raining and he came out with only an acoustic guitar. It was super beautiful! One of his newer songs is the one I will be sharing today. It compares God's love to a waterfall. I think that is a beautiful comparison because God's love never stops showering us. This song is currently my favorite, so I hope you will love it as much as I do and take into consideration the lyrics and their meaning.

**Some of my other favorite songs on this album are At The Cross (Love Ran Red), Jesus Loves Me, and Greater**

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