Note From Samy

Hey Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read and explore my blog! Check out my devotionals, Thanksgiving posts, and journaling bible. You can feed my fish or even translate to another language down at the bottom. If you enjoy my blog posts, please subscribe to get an email notification for every time I post. Thank you! Love, Samy

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Christian Song of the Day
Hey Everyone! Hope your enjoying my blog posts and devos! I am going to be starting a new series of post called Christian Song of the Day. If you retweet, repin, or regram please hashtag #csotd, #samysdailywalkblog, and #christiansongoftheday. 

September 1, 2015
Song of the Day is (drumroll) . . .

I Am Not Alone by Kari Jobe!

This is song is a great encouragement because it reminds us that we are never alone. God will never abandon us! He is always there through the good and the bad. He loves us and has a plan for us. We need to trust in him through all our trials and circumstances. 

Kari Jobe Majestic Album

I Am Not Alone

Hope you enjoy the song and let God speak to you through it!


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